Tips for Creating Effective Call-to-Action

Your calls to action, or CTAs, are arguably the most important part of your copy. Your CTAs guide users through your marketing funnel, giving them clear instructions on what to do next. They are also the key to converting leads.

1.5 minutes


Your calls to action, or CTAs, are arguably the most important part of your copy. Your CTAs guide users through your marketing funnel, giving them clear instructions on what to do next. They are also the key to converting leads.


It is not always possible to predict exactly what will work – optimizing CTAs is certainly part art and part science. There are some recommended best practices you can follow. Don’t waste your time with ineffective copy and graphics and check out the following recommendations.


Be brief but create urgency.


CTAs that are too long are ineffective. Keep it short and sweet for best results. Use strong verbs and limited word count. Some generic examples include “get started” “learn more” join free” “buy now” … etc.


You also want to create a feeling of urgency. Use time related language such as “sign up today” or use words that imply scarcity such as “sale ends tomorrow”. Countdown timers are a great way to show when offers expire.


Personalize, personalize, personalize.


Personalizing your CTAs can boost conversion rate by over 200%!  Use any and all data you have available to subtly adjust wording depending on your users.


Get creative with your CTA. If you know your market well – you should know what will grab their attention.


Buttons convert best.


There are many different ways you can design your CTAs, but buttons convert best. Plain and simple.


Think about it – we all love to push a button.


Match your landing page content to your CTA.


If you have a CTA that reads “Buy Now” but takes a user to an unrelated page this is a surefire way to lose your user. Make sure you are designing your CTA flow correctly and that the user gets exactly what they are looking for when they click.



Never stop testing.


It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to create a perfectly optimized CTA right off the bar. It’s an ongoing process and you should be testing and improving your CTAs continuously as you learn what works, and what doesn’t.

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