How to Blog Within Squarespace

So, you have decided to start your blog in Squarespace - yay! Effective blogging is one of the most important SEO strategies that many business owners overlook. Here are the steps to post your first blog in Squarespace.

2 Minutes

Posting to Your Blog in Squarespace 

So, you have decided to start your blog in Squarespace - yay! Effective blogging is one of the most important SEO strategies that many business owners overlook. 

Here are the steps to post your first blog.

Create a Blog Page

In your Squarespace admin panel navigate to your pages and create a new page by clicking the + button. You can add this page immediately to your navigation or, if you’d like the page to not appear in your main navigation, you can add it as a not linked page in Squarespace. 

You will be prompted when creating a new page to select the type of page. Select Blog under the Collections section and choose your desired layout. 

Your page will auto populate with a few example posts.You can either update all of these or simply delete them all and start with a fresh post. 

Creating Your First Blog 

Open your blog page by clicking on the page in your page navigator. You can then view all of your posts in the left sidebar. To update a post, click on the post and then open the page editor as you would normally to edit any page in Squarespace, by clicking the Edit button in the top left corner of the page preview. 

Click on the date and author to open the post information panel. Here you can update the featured image, enter an excerpt (this will appear on your website) and change the author.

The options tab allows you to add tags, categories and enable comments if desired. 

The SEO tab allows you to add metadata to your post. 

Once you are finished making changes within the post information panel, click the save button in the top left corner of the panel. 

Start Writing! 

Once you close the post information panel you are taken to the page editor. You can simply click on the page title and post content to delete the placeholder content and start writing!

We suggest writing your blog post in a text editor software and simply copying and pasting into Squarespace. The Squarespace page editor works just like a text editor so you can paste over styles such as header text, bold and italic text, lists and more. 

Do You Have an SEO Strategy?

Hopefully this post helped guide you through updating your blog in Squarespace. Remember when blogging that a clear strategy and template is key! Check out our SEO  checklist for a starting point with styling your blog post. And if you are interested in SEO management, please contact us for more information about this service!

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